Frequently asked questions

Are all United Ways the same?

No, each of the approximately 1,400 United Ways across the country is unique, operating independently and led by local staff and volunteers. While we share a common logo and similar missions, the work of each United Way is determined by the specific needs of its community. Building partnerships and leveraging resources, United Ways create plans for long-lasting community change tailored to their local context.

Why should I give to the United Way?

Charitable giving is a personal and voluntary decision. The United Way encourages you to contribute in a way that feels comfortable for you. Your gift to the United Way is an investment that benefits the entire community, addressing a spectrum of needs rather than focusing on one specific program, issue, or population.

What if I don't want my money to go to a certain agency?

While not every agency may appeal to every donor, rest assured that all agencies supported by our United Way meet meticulous standards. The programs we fund align with needs within our seven impact areas. If you have a preference, you can designate your contribution to a specific agency that resonates with your priorities.

What is the easiest way to contribute?

The most convenient method of contribution is payroll deduction. A small amount is deducted from your paycheck per payday, allowing you to make a modest contribution each week. This simple and consistent approach can make a significant impact over the course of a year.

How is my donation used by the United Way?

At United Way of Cattaraugus & Allegany Counties, we strategically use your donation to achieve community impact. We focus on responding to the documented needs of the people in our region through specific focus areas and strategies that guide our efforts toward the most pressing issues in our community. Learn more about our Community Impact.

Can I choose where my donation goes within the United Way?

Yes, we allow donors to designate their contributions to specific non-profit programs or initiatives. This way you can support causes that align with your personal values and interests.

Are donations tax-deductible?

United Way in Cattaraugus & Allegany Counties is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law so long as no goods or services are provided by UWCAC in return for a contribution.

How does the United Way measure and report impact?

We ask our funded agencies to provide annual reports, impact studies, and success stories to showcase the tangible outcomes of donor contributions. Visit our Impact Stories to learn more.

Can I volunteer with the United Way?

United Way welcomes volunteers as a meaningful way for you to contribute beyond financial support. If you are interested in more hands-on involvement, contact us.

Can I involve my workplace in supporting the United Way?

United Way facilitates workplace giving campaigns and partnerships. You can directly designate a portion of your paycheck to the United Way, ensuring a consistent and reliable source of funding for critical community projects. Learn more about Payroll Deductions.

How do I find health and human services assistance?

The best way to get connected to locally available resources is to call 211. It's a "help" number like 911, but for access to health and human services. Calling 211 will get you a trained resource and referral specialist, who will know what services are available in your area. You can also seek help from them online at